Saturday, August 15, 2009

my hs will b sale auction

2day , i just receive the lawyer letter frm high court as well as advertisement for house for sale auction.
it's out of expectation it's my house ...seriously , it is my house where i stay now in kampar.
i quickly call my hsmate since majority of my housemate are in my hometown..
somebody of my housemate don't take it seriously...they though not so serious as i think..
it is not joking at all...i 'm so dissappointed at al...i ad tell ah soon nt to gv the rental 1st since he say he will pas up the rental..
hw should i think? if ur hs kena lelong ,means ur hs hv nt pay rental for half month or more than half....
i need to shift out b4 26 august n wah sound so challenge to me when n how could find a house in a short time...
crazy man!!!!!!!!! hey...find a house need a time...
i have a backup for the house bt the house don't have a key...
it take a time ....if the owner can settle on this matter , i still don't trust...
anytime the house will be taken over unless they consistenly pay the at the same time , they take the house for mortgage...
i better shift ...i can't live the life with uncertainty...
WAT else i can do n wait the ans for mon when every1 has come back>>>
where to shift...any suggested house beside westlake..i won't stay at the westlake coz i knew that i won't stick to xpensive contract..i won'tstay the old house 1583....
how do u think???i just stay temporary house who r willing share the space with me..
my mind just a blank to me who hs can i stay, where can i shift???
full of questionmark??
god damn it, help me...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

bad dream can't help me sleep well

i wana sleep better if i can
i can't sleep i don't know y??
i suffer for the insomia....i think a lot n stress i thnk
i have a weird dream ...vry hard to describe
too many memory that i refresh bck frm the past...the incident happen ovr n ovr again..
i know some part of my dream will become the reality...
it may be violate the rule of the dream and reality of the world
it's nt supernatural power of mysef bt then occuring many times ago when i was teenager....
that time it was different frm me last time frm nw....i know 2 seprate life n history of my life after i had the dream ...
every dream that occur , i could not the answer of dream ...i may be desperate ,seeking and wondering of the answer for the dream occur
anyway , just pretend dun bother ...i gt hearpain after i dream ...

act of myself

i just remind of my friend....i will be mad if showing sth which is wrong...
if u r nt my friend, i won't say sth which is wrong
i don't know y natural behaviour for me...
if u r foreign person, i won't say anything
do u think that how costly to me to give advise to other ppl?
the feedbck u gv me is nt appropriate when my advise is wrong n does nt get appreciate??
wat else that i can say??
i don't expect u listen to my advice..u dn sth which is out of expectation .i will b mad ovr u n coz i won say anything abt to at that point of time, don ask me question when anything happen
is there any difference for foreign ppl n friends to me??
friend has done mistake...
It may potentially be awkward for my effort to amend the sth which offend ur feeling....
i'm nt hipokrit ppl to know hw to convince o persuade ppl if i don't do sth wrong...i'm just telling's up to wan to hear o nt...
unless i did sth wrong , i will ask ppl forgiveness.. bt it take time for me to say so coz my face damn expensive ..'strue ...i still emphasize my face value
i oso dn noe natural behaviour for me

Sunday, July 12, 2009

freelancer blogger

this section i would like to write anything..
after that incident, i become music club was quite n tiring activity
b4 becoming helper , i went to pub n invited by friend...
mostly young people like to spend time there with new bombarded music and fancy light...
fill with smoke of cigarette......i was so insane...i knew that there were 2morow helper but yet still go that place...
my roommate xin yee , pui guan , wei siong n me last but no list r the pub freako love to go there ...
hAHA...we go there by xuan yee car ,he drove us there...
bt finally,xin yee n me was drunk ..... i saw some of my tuntuah friend , they dance vigrously in the stage....
i saw a lot of utar student r hanging around dat pub on sat night...
''night stil young' that the word we use when we spent most time there....
i was nt enough sleep when i become helper because i reach my house around 6 am ....i got some
headache ... n then late for coming to helper meeting...
juz go there n get the pass for helper n then go bck to home sleep around 2hour n then start as a duty for helper ....
the song composed by utarian...unfortunately, i don't know what the song sang coz in chinese..
it does not suit my soul n taste on the song
the programme going smoothly , well i guess so..
bzy my assignmnt n exam, notice that my pencil box gone ad which contain 4 or 8 gb pen drive...
my memory in dat pendrive all gone meh
that the sad thing...i think it's for us to happen...this sequence of bad luck ho me appen t is designed by god creator.....
everything coincidence ....n then sequence by itself..
haha... i watch too much final destination .i'm influenced by that movie

Friday, June 19, 2009

what a bad luck

every1 who borrow the ptptn, their money hv gone to their money have not gone it yet....
if can, i won't ask parent help
how come i cannot get the loan the money..
actually i wanna pay 2day...because i'm afraid it's too late to pay
it cause me hv a fined when it overdue...UTAr
(univerisiti tak ada ruang
univeriti tak akan rugi

not only that, my bicycle puncture...when i went bck to home..i wanna ask for help by calling bicycle shop to help me fix my puncture tyre...
but i couldn't call to uncle because my hp: it's totally out of service..when i call the uncle
suddenly my hp screen could not seen by words..

it was really bad luck for 2day
luckily i saw alex liew from t14
thank god who help me get the help from others....i was that kind of troublesome to him
he help me get help by getting bicycle shop hp no
i tell him that student who live out of stATE always ''ask for help ''..i don't really want to do so...
he say we are not asking for help.... he say we are finding way to help, nt asking for help
it come across my mind...why i don't think so? i always think that i was troublesome to others friends and my parents...
when we live own house ,mostly we depend on parent
when we live outside of house, we depend on friend
it really help us a lot when we know a lot of friend...maybe we can ask for help
i realise how significant is it....
my ptptn have been settled by sending email to staff..luckily my neighbour know one of the ptptn staff..i just send my email to highlight the problem that i face...
hope my highlight problem and detail to solve my problem
2day, i have just registered the helper of Student representative election...
so many signficant thing and matter happen on this history day
i wanna find and buy some hp for myself...coz i borrow my housemate hp
we borrow people thing, we could not borrow too long period
perhaps, she want to use it....i know she use 2 cellphone for different numbers...
hope to have nice days in weekends

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


it's normal occurrence to see the couples because it's a trend and age for my present moment...
everyone seem can love in fall with everyone as long as they get consent to like each other...
i don't know why people think that why until now, i don't get boy friend .... i really don't care and i ask that is the important question for you????
people don't believe that....haiz...don't ask the question??? it does not matter....

My lifestyle and principal is different at u all...i try to think to b not different as a normal girl think to...i don't really want to be something special.. but i can't
to them, love is happiness long as get along people like and both side are willing love each other ..through the understanding and all sort of life tested by god n then becoming couple
i see people who had girlfriend and boyfriend...they limit themselves into their own world.....don't care people's true to be self-fish for love matter
if not...they can't continue relationship
they don't widen their knowledge and relationship anymore....because they are happy their own world ....
have you seen this movie called by ''love metal''......god gives us this, we cannot control...
this is guy talk to them...'ll laugh .that's why god gives us to date with the girl
you will probably say that you will feel lonely if you are not in couple
who say .there are so many thing and world...ask you to do something...they don't see it with their own eyes...they are so many independent woman who are success in the world ...if it does hv couple, most of them ad divorce... i see a lot this situation
my opinion and the way i think is different ......i want do a job or anything as a man can...because what they think, it's one causes of carrier woman who divorce early

for me....i treat it as a challenge game and may face it for ur confusion of yourlife
i can't be loyal to anyone...because i think that i have so many choices
if normal's 一个打一船 for normal people
if people like who have not confirm yet一个打两船.....i didn't want too..cause my way of life is like this...
my relationship is always to end up with my problem???
i tell u i nid people psychology my problem .........

Monday, June 15, 2009

my lec and tutor

my age is not old enough..i don't expect that i will go university...time goes so fast..once it could not return
it's indeed too old that i think...if according to my last time when i was kid, i won't think go university due to my lazy and my terrible attitude to study and that attitude that weaken the spirit to go on to with my academic excellent until one day ...i found the importance and get inspiration by my ex teacher...
my life is seasoned by experience....i don't want repeat my mistake
my determination and will help me to lead on the future journey that achieve the vision of my life..
i want get out the pressure and people who has underestimate me last time...
people who betray me since for last time..i assume i don't recognize them at all....they are forever teaching me the materialistic of life
meanwhile ,i accept the real reality that was cruel to my life....
i was so disappointed and depressed who did this to me...the person that i trust the most who lost faith in me.
it make me decrease the confident to other person who made friends, as well as closest relatives to me

i appreciate the people who are close to me...b a ''good listener and friend to me...lend me a shoulder to cry on..i have friend just to get know each other...but she had passed away around 5 years is indeed short
i had to appreciate people life and evry second of my life
sometimes it made me stupid whether to hate or love maybe not resolvable question to my come across my mind sometime...
continuing the degree is out of expect able question , i don't realize that i enter the degree.
wow....i did then i don't know that i can continue the study or not
i lost faith in is difficult to say sometime...
all destiny of my life is written ..student and the kid who survive in 20 that decades, it full with challenge because there are some competitor vying each other
not only excel academic....we need to be good everything
limitation is god does not give us to be good everything...
no perfect thing in the world
so far
my lecturer and tutor is oklo if comparing to other university... if get bad lecturer and tutor, u need to carry yourself one can teach and guide you...
this is a normal thing which happen from time to time, regardless in which academic institution or even at organization e.g bad and good management problem
nothing is perfect the world...god is always no fair to human ...i used to b in that circumstances

if god were fair....every1 is homogeneous ...some people is equally smart n no stupid people exist the world
if like this, no problem is existing...
life is like business risk..some are up and down...
unstable and consistent..we need to prepare ourself for all the time...some malay proverb says
prepare umbrella before u go out

Saturday, June 13, 2009

experience in cs camp

before coming to a new semester , i was in the CS camp..CS is derivative and short abbreviation word for community service .i was happy to be in the camp and know and learn more thing in the camphappy because to know more people from all walk of was kind of adventure to me to staying the camp and the place call'' broga''it is suburb and urban area youcan.
it is the border between the negeri sembilan and selangor...
no one expect that the well-know and foreign university which is called University Of Nottingham is existed in that suburb's and urban area .the villager is friendly, hospitality ...the presence of UTAR student from CS member give a such a big and great overwhelming response to villagerthey welcome us..according to what CS committee, their 1st time coming to brogra place...their village is willing to collaborate with UTAR student to the assistance of CS camp...Their corporation contribute a great job to the success and achievement of the camp they assisted us when task given to every group to the camp...our group is separated and recognized by the ''rainbow colour''...each group was required to invent the new slogan based on the colour of group..

I'm so sorrow and sad because i know that i don't contribute any idea to the group give some difficulty to me to understand the CS member who has used the Chinese language as a medium instruction and that time...i was not feeling so well..and having bad sore throat until i don hv energy to talk anymore
i could not help my group member and what i could i do..i just play the role to participate in this game..
By the way, i see the comment and remark from paper written by the CS member ....
to starhaur...actually, i'm not good contributer for winning the game because i don't contribute any idea..
to the girl who told me i was cool....actually,i was not cool actually because i had sore throat that time
i had a good time to spend with my group member and stay with my group member ...i had a bad sore throat that time does not help me talk a lot. if i were feeling well that time.. i'll try to socialise with others even though my chinese is so poor
to yonghau...i'm not quiet girl because some obstacle that make me don't talk a lot because i had bad sore throat..
understanding and communicating chinese language has added some hinder to me
to others...i know u all within a short time only...nth much can be remark and all i can say is if given an oppurtunity...i want and see u all future..
To My ultimete words to CS member
Keep It up.... A good work and group's work is not vain at all

this new semester worried me

haiz...a new sem begin for me...
it was kind of cAtastrope for me
it could inflict a great stress, worries ,pressure and financial devastations on student who has lost faith in their academic student..
many thing i heard for myself when i hear and see my senior fail that subject..
i was wondering that might it happen to me when i move foward to 2nd semester...
yet every semester could be brewing a perfect storm to student, perhaps the bad strom to other student too..
student's achievement in academic is casting off the paranoia of the new coming semester for us
new semester is a kind of torture . in a mean time, it bring some new challenge for me ...
every semester prompt the courage and brave among student who survive n struggle battle in the next and coming semester

Saturday, May 2, 2009

so doubtful and sorrow

whether i want shift out from house because i juz settle and adapt in new enviroment again in a house.haiz..what a wonderful house that i think becoming half enemy and half pretendious house anymore...i also wonder why this thing happen to our house...the problem in this house they do not want forgive , tolerance , transperancy between each other. why can't u forget all this thing to forgive??
Until when , u still want to b like the same ??
A reality will nvr change the facts

Friday, May 1, 2009


stupid blog!!!!
i wana open again