Monday, June 15, 2009

my lec and tutor

my age is not old enough..i don't expect that i will go university...time goes so fast..once it could not return
it's indeed too old that i think...if according to my last time when i was kid, i won't think go university due to my lazy and my terrible attitude to study and that attitude that weaken the spirit to go on to with my academic excellent until one day ...i found the importance and get inspiration by my ex teacher...
my life is seasoned by experience....i don't want repeat my mistake
my determination and will help me to lead on the future journey that achieve the vision of my life..
i want get out the pressure and people who has underestimate me last time...
people who betray me since for last time..i assume i don't recognize them at all....they are forever teaching me the materialistic of life
meanwhile ,i accept the real reality that was cruel to my life....
i was so disappointed and depressed who did this to me...the person that i trust the most who lost faith in me.
it make me decrease the confident to other person who made friends, as well as closest relatives to me

i appreciate the people who are close to me...b a ''good listener and friend to me...lend me a shoulder to cry on..i have friend just to get know each other...but she had passed away around 5 years is indeed short
i had to appreciate people life and evry second of my life
sometimes it made me stupid whether to hate or love maybe not resolvable question to my come across my mind sometime...
continuing the degree is out of expect able question , i don't realize that i enter the degree.
wow....i did then i don't know that i can continue the study or not
i lost faith in is difficult to say sometime...
all destiny of my life is written ..student and the kid who survive in 20 that decades, it full with challenge because there are some competitor vying each other
not only excel academic....we need to be good everything
limitation is god does not give us to be good everything...
no perfect thing in the world
so far
my lecturer and tutor is oklo if comparing to other university... if get bad lecturer and tutor, u need to carry yourself one can teach and guide you...
this is a normal thing which happen from time to time, regardless in which academic institution or even at organization e.g bad and good management problem
nothing is perfect the world...god is always no fair to human ...i used to b in that circumstances

if god were fair....every1 is homogeneous ...some people is equally smart n no stupid people exist the world
if like this, no problem is existing...
life is like business risk..some are up and down...
unstable and consistent..we need to prepare ourself for all the time...some malay proverb says
prepare umbrella before u go out

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